(If the parameter cannot be seen, It should be created though the button ‘parameter’ then type the correct parameter name and then copy. How to call a C# server side method with parameters using jQuery. The spfile is a server-side initialization parameter file; parameters stored in this file are persistent across database startups.

Recently I had a client ask me to update a script in both production and UAT. Once Oracle reads the pfile from the client-side, it searches for the spfile in the path specified in the SPFILE parameter This file is actually a client-side file because it should be available to any client tool (such as Oracle Enterprise Manager) that allows the facility to start and shut down a database instance. My server rebooted itself and when it came back up, none of the databases or ASM had restarted. Using parameter settings in server-side pfile E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\11.2.0\DBHOME_1\DATABASE\INITTEST1.ORA--===== SQL> shutdown immediate 数据库已经关闭。 已经卸载数据库。 ORACLE 例程已经关闭。 SQL> startup pfile='c:\init.ora' ORACLE 例程已经启动。 Total System Global Area 313860096 bytes Fixed Size 1374304 bytes It was a simple request, and I supplied a simple solution.

Every DBA should have basic PowerShell skills. Then click on Edit the parameter button on the toolbar.

Purpose: Back in the days of the dinosaurs, like myself, we ran databases based on parameters hard coded into the init.ora file and were forced to do a shutdown and restart every time we changed a parameter and wanted that change to reflect in the database.
Now… Read More »How to Point to SPFILE in PFILE to Trick Scripts There are 2 types of parameter files, namely : 1. pfile (parameter file) – older way [ not recommended by oracle ] 2. spfile (server parameter file) – newer way [ recommended by oracle ] spfile was introduced starting from oracle 9i, untill that time text based pfile was used to store database initialization parameters. But then you get the location of the local one you used.

This makes all the changes made to the instance using the ALTER SYSTEM statement persistent. The database didn't start and I had to create a pfile from spfile, remove the parameter and recreate the spfile. For example, you might plan to install the same package in the test environment and in the production environment, but you need to specify different WCF endpoints for each environment. Almost :-) Now many parameters are marked as non-default. This parameter can be defined in a client side PFILE to indicate the name of the server parameter file to use.

Then Save it. Therefore I decided to stay the script intact. How to Use Parameters in PowerShell. However, Oracle requires that you start an instance for the first time using the pfile and then create the spfile, which is discussed later in the article. Search for "Using parameter settings". But the problem is that the shell script which contains database startup procedure is pretty complex and I don't want to even touch it.
If you have corrupted your SPFILE (and it’s easy to do it) you can start with a local PFILE and the CREATE SPFILE= FROM PFILE.

Then Log into the Server from the shell and restart the application instance.

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