As 2013 draws to a close, TED is deeply humbled to have posted 1600+ talks, each representing an idea worth spreading. So which ideas have … UPDATED: To see all these talks at one click, check out our updated Playlist: The 20 Most Popular Talks of All Time. TED first began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged. Few other career paths let them travel all over the world in order to meet fascinating peoples and dissect the hows and whys of their bodies, minds and cultures. Presented in 2004, ‘What Consumers Want’ has received over a million views, and still is very relevant to customer service today. In her TED talk, Diana Dosik notes that companies invest lots of money, time, and effort in researching customer experiences and building exciting customer journeys. In this TED talk Joseph Pine lays out the importance of authenticity around customer experiences and service, and focuses on the principles of … At the same time, employees do not get the same attention. All rights reserved. 20 Excellent TED Talks for Anthropologists Considering its multidisciplinary status, many students adore taking up anthropology as a major. This situation has to change. 1.

June Cohen: What Makes a Great TEDTalk. TED Talks Usage Policy; Privacy Policy; Advertising / Partnership; Terms of Use; Jobs; Press; Help © TED Conferences, LLC.

Today it covers a vast array of ideas that come from all walks of life, in more than 100 languages. So here are my top 5 TEDTalks on how to give a great TED talk.

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