Songs by title Songs by album Gloria Estefan - Ayer Album: Mi Tierra. Start your 30-day free trial of Unlimited to listen to this song plus tens of millions more songs. Ayer. Gloria Estefan (born Gloria María Fajardo, September 1, 1957, in Havana, Cuba) is a seven-time Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, actress and social activist. Translation in . June 22, 1993 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Artiste: Gloria Estefan; Album: Mi Tierra; Traductions : anglais #1, #2 espagnol .
Try it free! Znajdź teksty piosenki oraz tłumaczenia piosenek i zobacz teledyski swoich ulubionych utworów. Aún guarda fiel el aroma, aquel tierno clavel. Video clip and english translation of the lyrics to “Ayer” as sung by Gloria Estefan. Lire le karaoké de Ayer.
Gloria Estefan (born Gloria María Fajardo, September 1, 1957, in Havana, Cuba) is a seven-time Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, actress and social activist. Fedele conserva ancora il profumo, quel tenero garofano. Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Ayer Gloria Estefan. Corrigez les paroles erronées . Ayer encontré la flor que tú me diste. Known as the "Queen of Latin Pop", she in the top 100 best-selling music artists with over 100 million albums sold worldwide, 31.5 million of those in the United States. A A. Ayer Ayer encontré la flor que tú me diste. Aún guardo aquella carta que me escribiste. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. Gloria estefan ayer.
hola en mi nombre, we chau chau hola sábado la observó la oveja me gusta ver sábado te gustan tu ernesto gallo ernesto torneo termales termales m m mx en
Album Mi Tierra. Aún guarda fiel el aroma, aquel tierno clavel.
Avec la musique en streaming sur Deezer, découvrez plus de 56 millions de titres, créez gratuitement vos propres playlists, explorez des genres différents et partagez vos titres préférés avec vos amis. Ayer encontré la flor que tú me diste, imagen del amor que me ofreciste. Sing Ayer by Gloria Estefan with lyrics on KaraFun. Ayer. immagine Amore che mi ha offerto. Lyrics & Music: Juan R. Márquez.
Gloria Estefan - Ayer - tekst piosenki, tłumaczenie piosenki i teledysk. Ayer encontre la flor que tu me diste. Aún guarda fiel el aroma, aquel tierno clavel. Gloria Estefan. Ayer encontré la flor que tú me diste . hola en mi nombre, we chau chau hola sábado la observó la oveja me gusta ver sábado te gustan tu ernesto gallo ernesto torneo termales termales m m mx en
Tutti; Originale; Traduzione; Ayer encontré la flor que tú me diste, Ieri ho trovato il fiore che mi hai dato, imagen del amor que me ofreciste. Gloria Estefan - Listen to Gloria Estefan on Deezer. Exclusive Prime pricing.
Professional quality. Letra 'Ayer' Ayer encontre la flor que tu me diste, Imagen del amor que me ofreciste, Aun guarda fiel el aroma, aquel tierno clavel . Ayer Lyrics. Gloria Estefan (Spanish: [ˈɡloɾja esˈtefan]; born Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo García; September 1, 1957) is a Cuban-American singer, songwriter, actress and businesswoman. Lire en ligne Télécharger KaraFun. De un rojo pasional tenía una marca.
The promotional single was released exclusively to Latin-radio stations at the United States and at Argentina. Known as the "Queen of Latin Pop", she in the top 100 best-selling music artists with over 100 million albums sold worldwide, 31.5 million of those in the United States. Paroles de Ayer. Gloria Estefan - Ayer. Produced by Jorge Casas, Clay Ostwald & Emilio Estefan. Tonalité identique à l'original : Sol♯m # Musique latine # Années 90 # 1993. Testo e traduzione della canzone Gloria Estefan - Ayer. Imagen del amor que me ofreciste.
Afficher plus d'infos 5:16.
AYER es una canción de Gloria Estefan del año 1993, este tema está incluido dentro del disco Mi Tierra.