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Alert: Welcome to the Unified Cloudera Community.

Frequently you want to let people in based on something other than who they are. The most widely used way for websites to authenticate users is via a username and password.
Priority: Major . Install $ npm install passport-local Configuration Both don't need a username and password provided so it does not make sense to ask for one every time. to Hive CLI which is a thrift client to talk to HIveServer2. Former HCC members be sure to read and learn how to activate your account here. This parameter defines a comma separated list of pam modules that will be used for verification of username and password.

Configuring JDBC Connection String with SSL Encryption Enabled or Disabled

Details. Beeline Examples. Export. Log In.

So it would need the password to establish that JDBC connection. Mikhail Antonov Would help if you show logs/errors from the failing binding.

Username & Password. - How do you pass in username/password, could you post here relevant piece of hive-site.xml?-- - Is the connection to LDAP over SSL?

Using JDBC or Beeline to Connect to HiveServer2.

The Impala and Hive services trust Hue to have already validated the …

Authentication by username and password is only part of the story.
How to Configure HiveServer2 and use a Beeline Client on a Pivotal HD cluster. Improvement on HiveServer2 JDBC: in Kerberos auth mode, accept username / password passed from the client's SessionConf. In my configuration I am using sshd and sudo as these are the defaults and the PAM module that we use for password authentication. This page shows examples for connecting to HiveServer2 using Beeline. Article Number: 3372 Publication Date: February 1, 2017 Author: Bhuvnesh Chaudhary For example: [beeswax] auth_username= auth_password= [impala] auth_username= auth_password= These login details are only used by Impala and Hive to authenticate to the LDAP server. Support for this mechanism is provided by the passport-local module. The HiveServer2 authentication method and client type determine how the HiveServer2 clients connect to HiveServer2. Something such as where they are coming from. - do you use schema, when Hiveserver2 itself authenticates to Namenode via kerberos, and end users authenticate via ldap with proxied kerberos tickets?

Type: Improvement Status: Open.

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