Dear All, I am making an HTTP request in a normal Java application. 例子:
@BrunoRozendo Beleza, como eu suspeitava, seu arquivo está em ISO-8859-1 Porém internamente o Java trabalha com UTF-8 então quando você lê o arquivo você está passando de ISO-8859-1 para UTF-8. It contains numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, and some special characters. I want to be able to convert that data to UTF-8 since I want to store the content in an MySQL database.
注意: iso-8859-1是JAVA网络传输使用的标准字符集,而gb2312是标准中文字符集,当你作出提交表单等需要网络传输的操作的时候,就需要把 iso-8859-1转换为gb2312字符集显示,否则如果按浏览器的gb2312格式来解释iso-8859-1字符集的话,由于2者不兼容,所以会 是乱码. Change encoding of Java Vm to ISO-8859-1. In UTF-8 it is represented as two bytes. ISO-8859-1 Character Set. For a closer look, please study our Complete ASCII Reference.
ISO/IEC 8859-1 is part of the ISO/IEC 8859 series of ASCII-based standard character encodings, first edition published in 1987. Say for example, in the string ‘âabcd’ ‘â’ is represented in ISO-8859-1 as E2. ... ISO_8859_1 public static final Charset ISO_8859_1. Refresh.
Constant definitions for the standard Charsets. Ich lese ein XML-Dokument (UTF-8) und schließlich die Darstellung der Inhalte auf einer Web-Seite mit ISO-8859-1.
Java Forums on Bytes.
1,” …
12. Examples are written in Python 3.7 and Java 8.
The first part of ISO-8859-1 (entity numbers from 0-127) is the original ASCII character-set. The contents of the html page that i am requesting is encoded using ISO-8859-1.
Views. ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1, a.k.a. – Sorack 30/11/16 às 13:14
Konvertieren von UTF-8 auf ISO-8859-1 in Java. These charsets are guaranteed to be available on every implementation of the Java platform. Java-怎样将GB2312编码的字符串转换为ISO-8859-1编码的字符串? 03-14 2万+ iso- 8859 - 1 表示中文汉字 ISO 8859-1 encodes what it refers to as “Latin alphabet no.
iso-8859-1の文字列をutf-8に変換してjavaに戻す方法は誰にも分かりますか? webから文字列を取得してrms(j2me)に保存していますが、特殊文字を保持してrmsからiso-8859-1エンコーディングを使用して文字列を取得します。 I am trying to convert a string encoded in java in UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. 43.7k time. java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; public final class StandardCharsets extends Object.
Adam Rosenfieldの答えに加えて、私はByteBuffer.array()がバッファの基礎となるバイト配列を返すことを追加したいと思い …
JavaでのUTF-8からISO-8859-1への変換-シングルバイトとして保持する方法 (6) . ISO-8859-1. I am reading an XML document (UTF-8) and ultimately displaying the content on a Web page using ISO-8859-1. December 2018. Converting UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in Java. UTF_8 ISO-LATIN-1.