Vue (prononcé /vjuː/, comme le terme anglais view) est un framework évolutif pour construire des interfaces utilisateur. Vue router allows use define a meta on our routes so we can specify additional behaviour. Using URL Parameters to Pass Data Between Routes. À la différence des autres frameworks monolithiques, Vue a été conçu et pensé pour pouvoir être adopté de manière incrémentale. In addition to $route.params, the $route object also exposes other useful information such as $route.query (if there is a query in the URL), $route.hash, etc. Above code in router.js, imports vue and vue-router and register them in our app. If you haven’t already read my previous tutorial or are unfamiliar with the vue-router library, I suggest you brush up on it. vue-router is an excellent routing solution for Vue.js, but there’s one thing that it doesn’t handle that can drive developers (especially those experienced with SEO) mad. title next ( ) } ) The author of the PR closed it himself, so we don't know why. In our case above, we have defined some routes as guest (which means only users not authenticated should see it), some to require authentication (which means only authenticated users should see it) and the last one to be only accessible to admin users.
All you need to do is include the meta tag in the specific component file in the script tag.
That is the process of updating the page title and metadata on route change. beforeEach ( ( to , from , next ) => { document .
With the Vue-meta npm package, it's easy to include meta tags in the Vue.js framework. You can check out the full details in … Browse other questions tagged javascript vue.js vue-router or ask your own question. If your Vue.js 2 applications grows bigger and consists of multiple views routing becomes a core part of your project. Vuejs was developed by Evan You, an ex-Google software engineer.Just before launching Vuejs 2.0, he started to work on Vue.js full time and as a result, Vue.js 2 … We’re going to see how to pass data between routes in a Vue.js web application using a router and URL parameters as well as query parameters. meta . If you can't pass in the current route, you'll need to import the router object and get the current route from that:. Introduction Vue.js, qu’est-ce que c’est ? title = to . More information on routing in a Vue.js application can be found in a previous article I wrote titled, Use a Router To Navigate Between Pages in a Vue.js Application. Now Following code export router to be used in main.js file.
export default new Router ( ...}) # Understanding Router() Instance. We’re going to start exploring quickly. You can simply define title in route's meta, and use a router.beforeEach hook to set title router . The Overflow Blog The Loop, June 2020: Defining the Stack Community Let’s explore how you can use the Vue core package vue-router to implement…
import router from 'path/to/your/router' const trackEvent = { getFields: => { let meta = router.currentRoute.meta; console.log(meta); return meta.fields.pageType; // not sure what you're trying to return exactly } } export default trackEvent;