Created On 13/03/2019. So here are my 7 favourite features that fit perfectly in a modern microservices environment. It’s been two weeks since Spring Boot 2.1.0. If I get sometime after all these goals this year then I will spend some time learning Spring Boot 2. In this article, we will discuss new features of Thymeleaf 3.0 in Spring MVC with Thymeleaf application. As expected, it comes with new features and improvements, and in this article, I will try to summarize the key parts of the release. New in Spring Boot 2 is that Java 9 is officially supported, which is something that I’ve looked forward to a lot personally. To be more specific, we will cover the topics of natural processing and Javascript inlining. This isn't a particularly big thing, but it's a feature that tends to be overlooked by newcomers and it can be very useful. Last week spring boot team has announced the release of Spring Boot 1.4.0 M2.
In this post, I am going to list down the summary of new features in spring boot 1.4. Version 3 comes with new features and many under-the-hood improvements. It’s also the first GA version of Spring Boot that provides support for Spring Framework 5.0. Spring Core Changes 1. New features of Spring and Spring Boot 59s What you need to know 1m 37s 1. Spring Boot 2.0 new Features 13/03/2019 / 1 Comment / in Java, Spring Boot , Technology hibernate, junit, kotlin, microservice, reactive, spring boot 2,, tomcat, webbflux / by Amit Pethani. There is a lot of changes coming up in the new release. TechnologiesII. The Spring Boot framework also has a new release Spring Boot 2.

Spring Boot is flexible and well documented on this one. Spring Boot is the most used framework by Java developer for creating microservices. Reading Time: 5 minutes.

by Amit Pethani.
In the tutorial, JavaSampleApproach will guide to how to use a new feature of Spring Framework 4.3: @RestControllerAdvice. The final release is expected to be around next month.

This announcement was the first ever major revision on Spring Boot since 1.0 was released almost 4 years ago. Spring boot 2.0 features unveiled by the team. ContentsI. New in Spring Boot 2.0 Java 9 support. Externalised configuration. RC1 was announced and now Spring Boot 2.1.0 is here!The release is available from, Maven Central and Bintray. We had discussed about @ExceptionHandler, @ResponseStatus, @ControllerAdvice in How to use Spring Exception Handler for SpringMVC: @ExceptionHandler, @ResponseStatus, @ControllerAdvice.

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