Thanks. Also, I'd prefer “can do nothing other than” or “can do nothing but” to “can't do anything other than”. more often than not phrase. Is there a way to get these to default to Adobe as well? In cognitive psychology, decision theory, and behavioral economics, loss aversion refers to people's tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains: it is better to not lose $5 than to find $5.

rather than #2 Huddleston expresses the meaning as "taking the contrary choice as the preferred one" (GGEL rather, 1128; expressions based on comparison, 1317) Rather definition, in a measure; to a certain extent; somewhat: rather good. Top synonyms for rather than (other words for rather than) are in place of, instead of and as distinguished from.

Take a look at this conversation to see some examples of would rather and would prefer: Alex: Would you rather stay home and cook dinner or go out?

See more. I would prefer not to play a game. Find descriptive alternatives for rather than. Not comes before the verb with both rather and prefer. The students would rather (study) the same thing over and over again than (get) bad marks in their tests. Betty: I’d rather go out. I've been able to successfully change my outlook to where pdf attachments to default to open in Adobe over Edge, but I have been unable to figure out how to get URL links to PDFs to default to open in Adobe rather than Edge. Ordinarily, other than or but and not rather than is used in sentences like these. Neither is acceptable, at least in U.S. usage. Synonyms for rather than at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Rather Than synonyms. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. rather than #1 "not in coordination" (Huddleston 811, 1128) rather than #2 Merriam Webster Dictionary expresses the meaning as " indicate negation as a contrary choice or wish". After those substitutions, the phrasing with …

I would rather not go to work today. What does more often than not expression mean? Definition of more often than not in the Idioms Dictionary. The pilot would rather the terrorists (get) what they demanded than (threaten) the passengers.


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