= No, thank you. Coffee is sex." Waiter : would you like some coffee or tea 您還要些咖啡或茶嗎? Marcus : would you like some coffee 馬卡斯:你要來杯些咖啡嗎? Waiter : here is the menu . Polite ways you can ask someone if they want a drink. [This is a real question. George Costanza - Full Coffee Scene Seinfeld - Season 2 Episode 4 "I can't drink coffee late at night, it keeps me up." = yes, please. I’d like some (more).

Would. Could you pass me some sugar? Would you like a drink of coffee? If it is possible for you to visit our office, we would like to show you some recommended sites for your new shop by car. Would you like a glass of juice? Kevin: Thank you. Try our interactive game to practice this: Some - Any - A - An - Game You should also see our notes about Countable vs Uncountable Nouns.. You may be interested in learning about the difference between Much, Many, Lot and Few. Could you give me some help? CONFIDENT OFFER: Would you like some coffee? Would you like to come with me? I don’t want any (more). Would you like some more wine? 例文. (With “some” the quantity is more restricted than with “any”, but there isn’t a big difference.) Shall.

..... you like some more coffee? No thank you. / Yes, please. = No thanks I just had a drink; Can I get you something to drink? Yes, please that would be great. Previous Next Start learning English via email. のsomeですが、anyを使わないのは何故ですか? 補足 では、これ以外でも「肯定の返事を期待する言い方」だったら、すべてanyではなくてsomeになるのですか? 使い分けるのに、やや不安あり・・なのですが・・ Thank you.

I'd like a cup of coffee. Go! In questions we can use some and any when we offer something. ... 2007-08-15 would you like some more coffe... 5; 2011-06-11 Would you like__coffee? Do you want a drink of grape juice? / I'd love to. Yes, please.

---Would you like some more coffee? Next Author: Linda Arlia Check or Try out the whole test!

/ I don't mind making more. Read more about other quantifiers.. Do you want a glass of water? (I already have some coffee made. Are.

would you like some coffee or tea first 給您菜譜,請問先來點咖啡還是茶? Would you like some coffee? Linda: Would you like me to get you some food?

Homer: May I offer you something to drink? i should get back Compare the following two sentences: Do you have any letters for me?

Next activity. Bart: Thank you. no , thank you . 「私と一緒に来ませんか / ぜひとも」(誘う) Would you like some more? Evan: That would be nice.

would you like some coffee? Would you like any more wine?

This is very common in offers and requests: Would you like some coffee? "Coffee is not coffee. 3: Some can be used in questions when we expect that the answer will be 'yes'. Do you want some sandwiches? I’d like some (more). Yes please. SOME; When some is used when making an offer, the offer is more convincing or sincere.. / I'm about to make some and have a sufficient amount for you.)

例文帳に追加 メール全文 来月東京にいらっしゃると伺いました。

Do. I'd like a soda.

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