Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys and Their Functions All comparative exams such as as IBPS , SBI, SSC, RRB etc asked two or three questions of MS Word shortcut keys. There are a lot of features and uses of MS Word and some of them have been mentioned further in this post. There are a lot of features and uses of MS Word and some of them have been mentioned further in this post. Wie Sie in Word römische Zahlen einfügen, haben wir hier ausführlich für Sie beschrieben. Ctrl + F12: Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button ). Damit finden Sie immer gleiche Wörter oder Zeichenkombinationen und können diese im gesamten Dokument abändern. Word-Dokumente nach Wörtern durchsuchen. Ctrl + F9: Insert an empty field. Neueste MS Office-Tipps. ; F5 – Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word. ; Shortcut Keys of MS Word. ; F4 – Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+). Ctrl + N: Create a new document Ctrl + O: Open a document Ctrl + W: Close a document Alt + Ctrl + S: Split the document window Alt + ↑ Shift + C: Remove the document window split or Alt + Ctrl + S: Ctrl + S: Save a document Work with web content (4 shortcuts) Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink Alt + ← Go back one page Alt + → Go forward one page F9: Refresh. Link is given at the end of the post. ; F7 – Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document. In this post we present the “list of all Microsoft Office Word shortcut key combinations” using which you can create, edit or manage your MS Word documents easily. Ctrl + F2: Choose the Print Preview command (Microsoft Office Button ). ; F12 – Save As. Shortcut – Description F1 – Open Help. Ctrl + F4: Close the window. Anschließend haben Sie in Ihrem Word-Dokument ein Eingabefeld und können oben in der Menüleiste unter den verschiedensten Rechenoperationen und Symbolen auswählen, darunter auch die Quadrat- oder Kubikwurzel. MS Word shortcut keys very important from the examination point of view. You can check the list of MS Word Shortcut Keys PDF given below for all the keystrokes. Sie können wahlweise das ganze Dokument durchsuchen, die Abfrage für einzelne Seiten … Latest All Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcut Keys List With Description. Ctrl + F11: Lock a field. Save the document as a new file: Ctrl + 1: Set single line spacing: Ctrl + 2: Set double line spacing: Ctrl + 5: Set line spacing to 1.5: Ctrl + A: Select all: Ctrl + B: Make selected text bold: Ctrl + C: Copy a selection to the Clipboard: Ctrl + D: Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing: Ctrl + E: Align text center: Ctrl … Mit der Word-Suche durchstöbern Sie gesamte Dateien. Choose the Save command (Microsoft Office Button ).
You can also download all MS Word Shortcut Keys in PDF file. Ctrl + F6: Go to the next window. Ctrl + F3: Cut to the Spike. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie in MS-Office Word Wörter suchen und ersetzen. Ctrl + F10: Maximize the document window. MS Word Shortcut Key combinations help the users manage, edit and create long word documents easily.