This is so that Black is compliant with the recent changes in the PEP 8 style guide, which emphasizes that this approach improves readability. Line breaks should occur after the binary operator to keep all variable names aligned. 一行が長い場合、Black は二項演算子の前で改行します。 これだと Flake8 などでは W503 line break before binary operator と警告が出ることがあります。 W503 も設定ファイルで無視しておきます。 In my project’s CONTRIBUTING page, I explicitly mentioned to use pre-commits (or run flake8 and black on their code manually) before submitting a Pull Request..

So what we have is a pipeline that safeguards my project against wrongly-formatted code. Copy link Quote reply mozbhearsum commented Apr 5, 2018.

To expedite your experience, ... chore: ignore W503 to …

Figure: Pre-commit pipeline with black and flake8 for checking my .py files Now that we have a pre-commit framework set-up with …

Howdy! Sorry you're having trouble. Results. 3 comments Comments. pythonにはpep8というコーディング規約があります。 Flake8はコードがこの規約通りに書けているか、シンタックスエラーがないかなどをチェックしてくれるツールです。 Flake8は以下のツールのラッパーです。 Flake8とBlack Flake8. This behaviour may raise W503 line break before binary operator warnings in style guide enforcement tools like Flake8. Since W503 is not PEP 8 compliant, you should tell Flake8 to ignore these warnings.

This rule goes against the PEP 8 recommended style, which was changed on April 16th, 2016 in this commit.The tool will soon be updated to recommend the opposite: line breaks should occur before the binary operator because it keeps all operators aligned.. Anti-pattern

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