American actress and pop vocalist Laura Branigan (1952-2004) performing her biggest hit and great 80's anthem, "Self Control" of her homonym third studio album released on April 1984. Laura Branigan’s hit “Self Control” is the epitome of everything 80s, but is also the epitome of everything MK ULTRA: a disturbing story of an MK slave manipulated by an abusive handler. ); LatinAutor, BMI - Broadcast Music … Oh, the night is my world City light painted girl In the day nothing matters It's the night time that flatters In the night, no control Through the wall something's breaking Wearing white as you're walkin' Down the street of my soul You take my self, you take my self control You got me livin' only for the night Before the morning comes, the story's told You take my self, you take my self control Another night, another day … Her version first hit no.

"Self Control" is a song by Italian singer Raf, released in 1984. Raf's version first hit no. 1 in Germany on June 15, 1984. You take my self, you take my self control Another night, another day goes by I never stop myself to wonder why You help me to forget to play my role You take my self… Song Self Control; Artist 80' Factory; Writers Giancarlo Bigazzi, Steve Piccolo, Raf; Licensed to YouTube by TuneCore (on behalf of EMP Music s.r.o. It was written by Giancarlo Bigazzi, Steve Piccolo and Raf. 1 in Italy on June 23, 1984. Both versions of the song were popular across Europe during much of the summer of 1984 and were the … The song was covered the same year by American singer Laura Branigan.

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