I play 1 hybrid, an 818 H1 23 degree to replace my four iron. Maybe a little bit but my current 818 fills the gap I have nicely. TITLEIST 818 H1/H2 HYBRIDS REVIEW >> Hybrids ExplainedTitleist GolfThe Titleist 818 H1/H2 Hybrids retail for $315 (MSRP) and they make for a significant improvement over the previous generation (816), especially due to their adjustable weighting feature, that adds... – VOTED #1 GOLF SITE! I like the performance and sound of this head / shaft combo. Titleist 818H Hybrid White / Black / Red Headcover Golf Accessory. The Titleist 818 H1 Hybrids 2018 are designed to achieve faster ball speeds, higher launches and a higher peak height. Maybe a little less forgiving than the H1, but, by no means difficult to hit quality shots with. Mit den neuen Titleist 818-Hybriden werden zwei verschiedene Profile mit unterschiedlichen Spielvorteilen je nach Schwung und Spielerpräferenz angeboten: 818H1 ist für Golfer konzipiert, die mit einer eher fegenden Bewegung von innen an den Ball kommen und das Aussehen eines Fairwayholzes bevorzugen. Is the TS longer? GlobalGolf.com offers superior selection, service, and quality for your golf accessory needs. "Wir definieren die Titleist 818 Hybrid en als 'Scoring'-Schläger, nicht als 'Rescues'", sagt Josh Talge, Vizepräsident Golfschläger-Marketing Titleist.

It wouldn't help to hit it a bit further.

The SureFit CG weighting allows for you to adjust bias up to 4 yards left or right.

It has been in a 915hD and an 818H1 also. I'm using the same Tour AD DI 85 since the 915H. Then I went to the 818 H1 21* & 23* , both with Accra FX300H M4 shafts.

Titleist veröffentlicht mit den neuen 818 Hybriden gleich zwei neue Schläger. I really liked them and acquired another pair of them for my 2nd bag ( they were cheap via GlobalGolf ) and I found another set of matching Accra shafts for them. Titleist präsentiert mit den Hybriden 818 H1 und H2 zwei signifikant unterschiedliche Schlägerprofile für die verschiedensten Leistungsanforderungen und Spielerpräferenzen. I tested both versions of the TS hybrid and found no reason to switch. The H1 features a full profile head design for added confidence at address and a more controlled ball flight. I would consider myself a lower ball flight player and have found the H2 17 quite easy to play.

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