With traditional SQL-PLUS you can set your sqlpath in the registry of windows to ‘dir1;dir2;dir3’ (a list of directories). The "spool" command is used within SQL*Plus to direct the output of any query to a server-side flat file. Environment Variables That Affect SQL*Plus A number of environment variable settings affect the behavior of SQL*Plus. Get the Complete Oracle SQL Tuning Information The landmark book "Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning The Definitive Reference" is filled with valuable information on Oracle SQL Tuning. SQL PLUS 12.2 NOT OBSERVING SQLPATH IN REGISTRY OR ENV VARIABLE FOR LOGIN.SQL (Doc ID 2559069.1) Last updated on JULY 12, 2019. SQL> spool /tmp/myfile.lst Becuse the spool command interfaces with the OS layer, the spool command is commonly used within Oracle … I want to clear the table from all data (Table_with_DB (it is in program sqldeveloper)) through sqlplus and based on filenames in the path (path/to/files) using SQLPlus completes the table (Table_with_DB) the … iSQL*Plus was a web based version of SQL*Plus that was was obsoleted by Oracle Apex and is no longer used. Applies to: SQL*Plus - Version … SQL*Plus looks for scripts in the current directory, and then in the directories specified by the SQLPATH registry entry. 7 iSQL*Plus and Substitution Variables. login.sql Additionally, after reading glogin.sql, sql*plus also looks for a file named login.sql in the directory from where SQL*PLUS was and in the directory that the environment variable SQLPATH … I have a batch file which runs a SQL script in sqlplus and sends the output to a log file: sqlplus user/pw < RowCount.sql > RowCount.log. Re: Oracle 10gR2 SQLPLUS Does Not Pickup SQLPATH Variable on Windows 570642 Mar 20, 2009 10:02 PM ( in response to 570642 ) Haha, this is a bug. Somehow, it seems that SQL*Plus (at least on Windows) is unable to locate a script with a relative path when called with @@ and when the path starts with a single or double dot.. For example, under … With SQLcl you just set the working directory with CD and that is where your script file … For detailed descriptions of all … - Selection from Oracle SQL*Plus… My log file contains this: Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Express … I'm pretty sure that recently I stumbled upon an article on some Oracle blog, demonstrating how to change the color of fonts in SQL*plus. The 12.2 version of SQL*Plus no longer searches in the working, so the location of the "login.sql" file must be referenced in the ORACLE_PATH or SQLPATH environment variable, depending on your operating … Set the SQLPATH registry entry to change the script search path. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0 registry subkey contains the SQLPATH …

New in Oracle 10g: Oracle also reads glogin.sql and login.sql at a connect in sql*plus. This book includes scripts and tools to hypercharge Oracle … The following sections describe some commonly used environment variables. (No HTML etc., just the (server)output in SQL*Plus) … iSQL*Plus Release 10.1 interactively …

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