YAPF also has a “leave this section alone” functionality with # yapf: disable/enable. YAPF supports Python 2.7 and 3.4.1+. Please read with your own judgement! Note that if you intend to use YAPF as a command-line tool rather than as a library, installation is not necessary. YAPF supports being run as a directory by the Python interpreter. Jun 11, 2020. I would have loved to see a flag like the --check from Black to validate the formatting. If you cloned/unzipped YAPF into DIR, it's possible to run:.. code-block:: $ PYTHONPATH=DIR python DIR/yapf [options] ... Python versions YAPF supports being run as a directory by the Python interpreter. Note that if you intend to use YAPF as a command-line tool rather than as a library, installation is not necessary. You can specify a style to use using the --style option or you can specify the style to use in the file .style.yapf under the root directory of your project. Since YAPF doesn’t provide anything similar, I have crafted a working bash command. 30 October 2017 4503 Most of the current formatters for Python --- e.g., autopep8, and pep8ify --- are made to remove lint errors from code. Tips on yapf. YAPF requires the code it formats to be valid Python for the version YAPF itself runs under. yapf Online Demo.

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. There are 4 predefined styles: google, facebook, chromium, and pep8. What is YAPF? If you cloned/unzipped YAPF into DIR, it's possible to run: $ PYTHONPATH=DIR python DIR/yapf [options] ... Python versions. Therefore, if you format Python 3 code with YAPF, run YAPF itself under Python 3 (and similarly for Python 2).

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