A default "itemData.itm" file has been included so you don't have to extract it manually. Item Price Editor. A default "itemData.itm" file has been included so you don't have to extract it manually. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. 其实这里推荐的算不上是一个mod,而是一个mod的制作工具(支持简繁中文),自己动手丰衣足食,商店里放自己喜欢的东西,何必去因为几个东西去换来换去。 In order to use item price files, place the modified "itemData.itm" file in the "steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\nativePC\common\item" directory. Get this homey https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/1988?tab=files Make sure to buy like 9999 potions before you use the 50k potion mod. 踩蘑菇的怪物猎人世界mod圈子,本圈子只交流mod补丁,其他的一律删帖哈,踩蘑菇怪物猎人世界交流群:365063009,如果你是mod爱好者,也愿意为踩蘑菇出一份力可以加入mod学习小组:861727632【此外请大家遵守魔改别联机,这个是基础原则】 Sign up Dinput injector for … Item Price Editor. ・MONSTER HUNTER WORLD【PS4ゲーム】 DIRECTO NOCTURNO: Lyn se une a la cacería - MONSTER HUNTER WORLD #7 In order to use item price files, place the modified "itemData.itm" file in the "steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\nativePC\common\item" directory.