在 \product\11.1.0\db_1\sqlplus\admin 下的 glogin.sql 文件就是每次启动sql*plus都会重新读取执行一遍的设置文档, 初次打开只有注释,无设置项,可以直接在注释后新行写入: SET PAGESIZE 39; SET LINESIZE 80; SET TIMING ON; See MARKUP Options for detailed information. set pages 行数. This includes detail lines, header lines, and footer lines. ページサイズには列ヘッダー1行、列ヘッダーの下線1行を含まれるがエラーメッセージやシステムメッセージはページサイズに含まれない。 The default value for PAGESIZE is 14 (24 in i SQL*Plus). lines_on_page. This is rather an annoying effect of the default setting than a feature and there is no set pagesize unlimited. This may accelerate the exectution time of a statement a lot. まとめて出力させたい場合がある。そんな時 SQL*Plus のシステム変数 pagesize を 使えば、1ページサイズあたりの行数を変更できる。 構文 SET PAGES[IZE] { 14 | n } ※ [] 内は、省略可能。 デフォルト SQL> show pagesize pagesize 14 ただし データ行 = 14 とはならないため注意。 SET MARKUP only specifies that SQL*Plus output will be HTML encoded. デフォルト. set pagesize コマンド . set pagesize 14. SET WRAP OFF Truncates the line if its is longer then LINESIZE. The lines are still written to the spool file.
You must use SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON and the SQL*Plus SPOOL command to create and name a spool file, and to begin writing HMTL output to it. The only way to have the header only once, is to set the pagesize to the maximum or use this trick : set pages 0 emb on newp none . set pagesize 行数. This should not happen if linesize is large enough.
SET PAGES[IZE] Is the command, which may be abbreviated SET PAGES. 短縮形. SET MARKUP has the same options and behavior as SQLPLUS -MARKUP.
set pagesize コマンドの構文. Is the number of lines you want SQL*Plus to print on one page. SET TERMOUT OFF suppresses the printing of the results to the output. To create a flat file with SQL*Plus, you first must enter the following SET commands: SET NEWPAGE 0 SET SPACE 0 SET LINESIZE 80 SET PAGESIZE 0 SET ECHO OFF SET FEEDBACK OFF SET VERIFY OFF SET HEADING OFF SET MARKUP HTML OFF SPOOL OFF After entering these commands, you use the SPOOL command as shown in the previous section to create the flat file.