Circular dated 17.08.12 from Vigilance branch on the subject : Provision of basic functional facilities to Zonal as well as Medical Vigilance Officer. 4,200/- (Grade pay Rs. 10.00 Lakh under the head "Contingencies" during the year 2011-12. 129 of 2012 Hqrs. Circular Dated 30.11.2012 from E.I Branch on the subject : Quarterly Statement of officials in the cadre of SSO/Manager Gr.II/Supdt. Circular dated 08.08.2012 from Vigilance Branch on the Subject : Submission of Immovable Property Return by officers of Group 'A' on public domain by the Cadre Controlling Authorities. Office, ESICorporation, Letter dated 27.06.2012 from SMC Hyderabadon the Subject : Provision of Super Speciality Treatment to ESIBeneficiaries Tie-up arrangements with CGHS approved hospitals, Letter dated 27.06.2012 from SMCOHyderabad onthe Subject : Provision of Super Speciality/Secondary MedicalCare Services to ESI Beneficiaries - Tie -up arrangements with CGHSapproved hospitals/institutions (Public or private ) in theState on the CGHS rates, Letter dated 09.07.2012 Med-V Branch onthe Subject : Revision in the approved rates of drugs onaccount of increase in excise duty form 5% (plus surcharge onexcise duty) to 6% (plus surcharge ) under theCentral DG-Rate Contracts, Circular dated 09.07.2012 Med-V Branch onthe Subject : Amendment in r/o RC-136-reg, Circulardated 10.07.2012 from Med-IVBranchon the Subject : Provisional Gradation / Seniority list in respect ofMedical Officers in GDMO Sub - Cadre in Senior Administrative Grade inthe pay Band - 4 with Grade pay of Rs. दिनांक 18.09.12 को राजभाषा प्रभाग द्वारा जारी परिपत्र का विषय - क.रा.बी.नि. 179of 2011, Statusof Bills as on 23.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Letterdated 31.10.2011 from Medical VI on the subjectregarding Recruitment & posting of staff in GreenfieldHospitals only, Statusof Bills as on 20.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Finalgradation/Seniority List of Deputy Directors, resulting after thecirculation of the draft list issued on 14.09.2011, Letterdated 21.01.2012 from PG Cell Experience Sharing Meeting to handlePublic Grievances, Minutesof Public Experience Sharing Meeting held on 30-12-2011, Letterdated 19.01.2012 from ESIC RO Patna regarding Revenue RecoveryMeeting & RD Meeting, Statusof Bills as on 19.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 18.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, Statusof Bills as on 17.01.2012 received from PMD Branch, TrainingProgramme in respect of Medical Vigilance Officers, Status of Bills as on 16.01.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Status of Bills as on 13.01.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Status of Bills as on 12.01.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, VideoConferencing with regard to fulfilment of Commitments of DiamondJubilee Year to be held on 20.01.2012, OfficeOrder No. Office from Med-IV Branch dated 25.09.2012. Correigendum Dated 22.11.12from Med-V Branch on the subject : Amendment in r/0 insulin detemir inj 100u/ml (r-DNA) 3ml-Levemir Flexpen-rcNO.135 . Circular Dated 30.07.2012 from E-I Branch on the subject : Filling of the post on deputation basis in various Ministries/Departments. टाई-अप चिकित्सालयों को पेनल से बाहर करने बाबद।. Office Order No. 9: ESIC Model Hospital, Ludhiana: 122/Z-15/12/1/16-MHL-Part-3 (2020-09-04) Weed Out of MRD Records Size:(1.09 MB) दिनांक 10.09.12 को राजभाषा प्रभाग द्वारा जारी परिपत्र का विषय - हिन्दी दिवस समारोह का आयोजन - महानिदेशक की अपील।. Memorandum dated 14.08.2012 from Medical Branch on the Subject : LPA No. Circular dated 21.08.2012 from General Branch on the Subject : Enhancing ceiling for purchase / reimbursement of Brief Cases. Circular dates 19.09.12 from Revenue & Benefits branch on the subject : Recovery of dues. 8 of 2012 Hqrs. Circular dated 11.10.12 from E-I branch on the subject : Meetings of the Fairness Committee regarding. Office Order No.166 of 2012 HQRS ,From E-I branch dated 27.11.12. Circular dated 19.10.12 from General branch on the subject : Renewal of agreement for transportation of personal Effects & personal vehicles for another one year. AS/MPPTCL/3316: 26-12-2018: CIRCULAR: ERP Circular dated 17.12.2018: AS/MPPTCL/1552: 17-12-2018: CIRCULAR: Circular regarding publication of MPPTCL quarterly magazine"Transco Surbhi" . Advertisement of walk-in-interview for part time Specialists/Senior Residents held on 12.07.12, Selection List of walk-in-interview for part time Specialists/Senior Residents held on 12.07.12. RevisedAllotment of funds for the year 2010-11, Revisedallotment of funds for the year 2011-2012, Budgetallotment of funds for the year 2012-2013, Statusof Bills as on 06.03.2012 received from PMD Branch. 141: PR: 10-11-2020: Felicitation of ESIC Regional Offices and Hospitals for their outstanding work during COVID-19 pandemic size:(358.99 KB) . Office from E-I(Vol.II) Branch dated 09.08.2012. Office Order No. Letter Dated 23.11.12from ISM Branch on the subject : Cancellation of award of ESIC Rate contract no. 523 of 2012 Hqrs. Officefrom E-I Branch dated 04.07.2012, Circular dated 04.07.2012 E-VI Branch onthe Subject : CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988- Relaxation for travel air to visitJ&K, Dated27.06.2012 form E-VI Branch on the Subject : List of Holidays Home /TOR, Letter dated 26.06.2012 from A/Cs - IIIBranch on the Subject : संशोधन पूर्व वेतन मे वेतन – वृद्धि (Incrementin pre-revised pay structure falling due between Feb-Jun’ 2006. Memorandum Dated 19.07.12 from E-6 branch on the subject : Preparation of Budget Estimates for 2013-14 and Revised Estimates for 2012-13. Office Order No. Regarding Leave Sanction of MO/Ic's: 22.01.2019: 31 15 of 2012 dated 14.03.2012, Manner of fixation of pay in respect ofofficials promoted between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008, Office Order No.167 dated f14.03.2012 romMed IV Branch regarding retirement of Dr.Ravi Bhushan Gupta, etter dated 16.03.2012 from Estt.I Branch Onthe subject DPC for promotion to the post ofSSO/Mgr.Gr.II/Supdt, Submissionof Revised Estimates 2011-2012 and Budget Estimates 2012-2013 - CashBenefits, Statusof bills as on 15.03.2012 received from PMD Branch. Office from E-II Branch dated 19.09.2012. 132 of 2012 Hqrs. Office Circular dated 22.12.2009 onthe subject, Letter dated 23.02.2012 received from E.IIBranch on the subject, Letter dated 27.02.2012 recieved from Vigilanceon the subject, Letter dated 27.02.2012 received from Vigilanceon the subject, Letters dated 23.02.2012 from Estt.Branch onthe subject Special Recruitment Drive for filling up Backlogreserved vacancies of SC/ST/OBC as on 01.11.2008 & PWDs as on15.11.2009, Letter dated 24.02.2012 from Medical I on thesubject, Letter dated 09.02.2012 from Medical VI on thesubject, Letter dated 09.02.2012 from PR Cell on thesubject, Letter dated 09.02.2012 from finance on thesubject, Letter dated 09.02.2012 from E.II Branch on thesubject, Letter dated 02.02.2012 from PR Cell on thesubject, Circular from General Branch dated 01-02-2012on the subject, Letter dated 27.01.2012 received from MedicalBranch on the subject, Letter dated 27.01.2012 received from MEC onthe subject, Letter dated 19.01.2012 received fromProcurement Cell on the subject, Letter dated 25.01.2012 from E-III Branch onthe subject, Letter dated 01.02.2012 from Benefit Branch IIregarding, Letter dated 12.01.2012 from Headquarters onthe subject, Letter dated 21.01.2012 from PG Cell on thesubject, Note Dated 12.01.2012 From PG Cell on thesubject, Letter dated 24.01.2012 from E.II Branchregarding, Circular dated 03.01.2012 from MSU Branchregarding, Circular dated 10.01.2012 from GeneralBranch, Letter dated 27.01.2012 from E-I Branch on thesubject, Letter dated 27.01.2012 from E-VI Branch on thesubject, Letter dated 27.01.2012 from PR Branch on thesubject, Letter dated 24.01.2012 from E-III Branch onthe subject, Letter dated 17.01.2012 from Medical VigilanceCell on the subject, Letter dated 13.01.2012 from Accounts I on thesubject, Letter dated 13.01.2012 from PR Branchregarding, Letter dated 12.01.2012 from Medical VI on thesubject, Letter dated 13.01.2012 from Vigilance Branchregarding, 2. Circular dated 09.08.12 from PG branch on the subject : unavailability about toll free number. 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid). Circular regarding reappointment of contractual persons: 11.01.2019: 28. It is calculated on the basis of gross salary/wages/pay per month and the maximum limit is up to ₹ 21,000/- per month (earlier it was ₹ 15,000 per month). S.No. 18thMeeting of the ESIC Central Sports Control Board in connection with 9thCentral Sports meet to be held at Delhi during 6-10 February 2012 - reg. Circular dates 14.09.12 from A/cs II branch on the subject : Collection of contribution through system generated challan-migration to "PJ-PUL" collection model of SBI. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office. Letter dated 27.06.2012 from PR Branch onthe Subject : Execution of PR Action Plan for the year 2012-13 reg. Letter dated 03.08.2012 on the subject: Inspection of Sub regional office/Regional office/Branch office and Divisional office of ESIC, Regional Office, Kanpur (UP). & Hospitals &Dispensaries Staff Qtrs. Review of cash balance of Account No.2 as on31-03-2012 and to credit the unutilized amount in Account No.1(Central). Fillingup of the one (ex-cadre) post of Private Secretary to the chairman ofthe board of Arbitration (JCM), Ministry of Labour & Employmenton transfer on deputation basis. Circular dated 11.10.12 from E-VI branch on the subject : ESIC Pensioners Medical Scheme - Modification in Pensioners Identity Card, Medical Card. Penalty for Delayed Payment. ), विषय पर यो. No. Regarding-raisingof DOP of MSs/SSMCs/SMCs for procurement of Medical Equipments fromRs.15 lacs. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें, 4. Circular dated 26.10.12 from Vigilance branch on the subject : Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week from 29.10.12 to 03.11.12. No. Office from E-II Branch dated 03.08.2012. 376/12 filed by the Employees State Insurance Corporation v/s ESIC Medical Officers Association before the Division Bench. Letter dated 25.07.2012 Medical Branch on the Subject : Regarding not filling up of the post of Dark Room Assistant. दिनांक 06.07.12 को स्था. Model Hospital, Sector-24,Noida, 2. 141 of 2012 Hqrs. Circular dated 11.10.12 from E-I branch on the subject : Posting of Staff in Accounts Division regarding. 287 of 2012, Circular dated 17.05.2012 from E-VI Branchon the subject Availing Medical Treatment/Cashless Super SpecialtyTreatment by pensioners, Letter dated 17.05.2012 from Med-VI Branchon the subject Clarification regarding fixation of pay / Stepping uppay in accordance with 6th CPC, Registration of DDOs and subscribers withNSDL, Letter dated 17.05.2012 from E-I Branch onthe subject Gradation /Senority List of officer in the Grade ofAssistant Director (OL) (Official Language), Letter dated 16.05.2012 from E-VI Branch onthe subject Observance of 'Anti Terrorism Day' on 21.05.2012, विषय पर स्थापना 6 द्वारा पत्र जारी दिनांक 16.05.2012 आतंकवादविरोधी दिवस मनाना, विषय पर स्थापना द्वारा पत्र जारी दिनांक15.05.2012 वर्ष 2012 कार्यालय आदेश सं.-19, Letter dated 10.05.2012 from E-VI Branch onthe subject CCS (LTC) Rules,1988 - Relaxation for travel air to VisitNER, Letter dated 09.05.2012 from Med-IV Branchon the subject Recruitment to the post of Tutor(Dental Teching) andSR/JR(dental-regarding). दिनांक 18.12.12 को राजभाषा प्रभाग द्वारा जारी परिपत्र का विषय - विभागीय हिन्दी पत्रिका "पंचदीप भारती" के पाँचवें अंक के सम्बन्ध में |. : Dated 03.05.2012 Non-renewal of tertiary care tie-up with Medanta- The Medicity, Gurgaon, Letter dated 03.05.2012 from MSU Branch onthe subject Delegation of power of the Financial Commissioner to commissioner, Circular dated 09.05.2012 from VigilanceBranch on the Subject Display of notice board at registration countercontaining timing or registration and phone number center vigilancecommissioner and Director General and Chief Vigilance officerof ESIC, Status of bills as on 04.05.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Status of bills as on 03.05.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Circular dated 01.05.2012 from PMD Branch onthe Subject Submission of information regarding Engineers engaged oncontract basis in ESI Corporation, Letter dated 04.05.2012 from Rev-I Branch onthe subject Target of Contribution income for the year 2012-131041/, Circular dated 07.05.2012 from E-I Branch onthe Subject Retirement of Group 'A' & 'B' Officer onsuperannuation during the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2012, Letter dated 19.04.2012 from ICTDivision on the subject Training of Champion Trainers of RO/SRO/DO, LETTER DATED 03.05.2012 from ICT Division onthe subject Champion Trainers of RO/SRO/DO, Letter dated 03.05.2012 from ICT Division onthe subject Champion Trainers of RO/SRO/DO, Circular dated 03.05.2012 from VigilanceBranch on the Subject Submission of lmmovable property return byofficers of Group 'A' on public domain by the cadre controllingauthorities regarding, Circular dated 03.05.2012 from E-II Branchon the Subject All India revised draft Seniority lists of HeadCleark/Assistants regularly promoted for the recruitment year 2008-2009, Circular dated 01.05.2012 from PG Branch onthe Subject Expeditions disposal of pending grievances. Letter Dated 07.08.2012 from (Med)SST, Bhubaneshwar on the subject : Provision of Super Speciality Treatment to ESI beneficiaries - Tie Up arrangments with reputed Private Hospitals/institution in the State on CGHS rates, terms & conditions. Office from Med-IV Branch dated 31.08.2012. Hence, the ESI return due date is the same as that of payment. Reservationfor Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under theGovt.of india-Sub-quota for Minorrity Communities. Letter dated 18.06.2012 from Med-V Branch onthe Subject : Stoppage of Rate Contract No.136 for Drugs &Dressings in r/o M/s Maxmed Life Sciences Ltd. Letter dated 20.06.2012 from Med-VI Branchon the Subject : Regarding Inter Region Transfer, Letter dated 21.06.2012 from E-III Branch onthe Subject : Setting up of Sub Regional Office of the ESIC at Durgapur, Circular dated 21.06.2012 from PR Branch onthe Subject : Publication of next issue of ESI Samachar, Circular dated 21.06.2012 from PR Branch onthe Subject : Execution of PR Action Plan for the year 2012-13, Circular dated 21.06.2012 from PR Branch onthe Subject : Materials for ESIC Website, Circular dated18.06.2012 from Med-I Branch on the Subject : Invitationof proposal for providing yoga instructors in ESIC Dispensaries, OfficeOrder No. Circular dated 03.08.2012 from PR Branch regarding for using/displaying new Logo/Signboard/Direction Board / Panel. Circular dated 15.10.12 from Vigilance branch on the subject : Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week from 29.10.12 to 03.11.12. 103 of 2012 Hqrs. Letter dated 03.05.2012 from SMC Hyderabadon the Subject : Provision of Super Speciality Treatment to ESIBeneficiaries Tie-up arrangements with CGHS approved. प्रशासन विभाग द्वारा जारी परिपत्र दिनांक 26.07.12 : श्री अनिल कुमार अग्रवाल, भा.प्र.से. Letter dated 18.12.2012 from ICTDivision on the subject : Installation of Diesel Generators Sets in Branch Offices/ESI Dispensaries. 136-reg. Memorandum dated 28.09.2012 from E-6 branch on the subject : Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees Revised Rates effective from 01.07.2012. कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम के अधिकारियों कोहिन्दी में अधिकाधिक डिक्टेशन देने के लिए प्रोत्साहन योजना वर्ष2011-2012 विषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक25.04.2012, क॰ रा॰ बी॰ निगम में हिन्दी के प्रयोग कोप्रोत्साहन देने के लिए शील्ड की व्यवस्था वर्ष 2011-12 विषय पर राजभाषाशाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक 25.04.2012, हिन्दी अधिकारियों को सत्कार भत्ता प्रदानकरना विषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक 26.04.2012, राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन सुझाव पुरस्कार योजनाविषय पर दिनांक 25.04.2012 को राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र, सरकारी कामकाज में मूल हिन्दी टिप्पण / आलेखनके लिए प्रोत्साहन योजना विषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक25.04.2012, नई जाँच निरीक्षण नीति 2012 विषय पर राजस्वशाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक 14.03.2012. Circular dates 14.09.12 from E-II branch on the subject : Holding of 10 Zonal Sports meet(North Zone) at Jammu from 29.10.12 to 02.11.12. Circulardated 17.07.2012 from Vigilance Branch on the subject : Submission ofImmovable Property Return by officers Of Group 'A' on public domain bytheCadre Controlling Authorities regarding. Office from E-I Branch dated 25.09.2012. Gr.II/Suptd. Status report of ongoing ConstructionProject as on March 2012, Letter Dated 24.04.2012 on the BranchA/Cs-IV on the subject New Pension Scheme coverage of all eligiblesubscribers, Status of bills as on 24.04.2012 receivedfrom PMD Branch, Statusof bills as on 23.04.2012 received from PMD Branch, निगम कार्यालय में 2012-2013 के वार्षिककार्यक्रम, निगम कार्यालयों में तैनात राजभाषा अधिकारियोंका अखिल भारतीय राजभाषा सम्मेलन का आयोजन - दिनांक 01.06.12 से02.06.12 विषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक19.04.2012, निगम कार्योलयों में राजभाषा नीति केकार्यान्वयन हेतु स्टाफ उपलब्ध करवाना एवं॰ सरकारी कामकाज हिन्दी में करनेके लिए अधिसूचित कार्यालय की कुछ शाखाओं / अनुभागों को विनिदृष्ट करनाविषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी पत्र दिनांक 19.04.2012, Letter dated 23.04.2012 from PR Branch onthe subjectContinutity of out-reach programmes in the current financialyear (2012-13) as taken up in the Diamond Jubiliee Year. Action against the officials participated inBharat Bandh on 28.02.12 declared by Trade Unions-reg. 'B'/Joint Director in the pay Band of Rs. Circular dated 09.08.12 from E-I branch on the subject : Confirmation of details of SSo/Mgr. Memorandum Dated 30.08.2012 from E-I branch on the subject : Revised Gradation/Seniority List of Officers in the grade of Regional Director Gr. Circular dated 13.07.2012 from Med-VI Branchon the Subject : Regarding engagement of Specialist/Super Specialist oncontract (Case) basis. Office from E-I Branch dated 09.08.2012. Circular Dated 12.11.12 from Vigilance Branch on the subject : adoption of Interity Pact Standard Operating Procedure. 336 of 2012 Hqrs. Office Order No.15 of 2012 Hqrs.Office ,From Med branch dated 30.11.12. Circular dates 14.09.12 from Vigilance branch on the subject : Annual Zonal Review Meetinga with CVOs of Social Sector held on 11.7.12 in Satarkta Bhawan, CVC, ND. Memorandum dated 03.09.2012 from E-II branch on the subject : Final All India Seniority list of Senior Hindi Translator as on 31.03.12. Office from E-I Branch dated 24.08.2012. Corrigendum dated 02.08.2012 from Med.IV Branch on the subject Provisional Gradation / Seniority list in r/o Medical Officers in GDMO Sub-cadre in Non-Functional Selection grade in the Pay Band - 4 with Grade Pay of Rs.8,700/- as on 31.03.2012 in ESIC. 'B'/ JD. Circular dated 26.09.12 from PR branch on the subject : Updated & Latest information on Super Speciality Treatment in r/o your region. 365 of 2012 Hqrs. Memorandum Dated 16.11.12from Med.IV Branch on the subject : Gardation/Seniority list of Medical Officers working Chief Medical Officer (GDMO Sub-Carde) in the Pay Band -3 with Grade pay of Rs.7600/= in ESI Corporation as on 31st March,2012. U-25/12/139/2012-Med. Office Order No. The Officials are deemed to have been promoted to post from the date of assumption of charge. को निकटवर्ती क्षेत्रीय/उप क्षेत्रीय/प्रभागीय कार्यालयों/अस्पतालों/चिकित्सा महाविद्यालयों का कार्य सौपना।. Office from Med-IV Branch dated05.06.2012, OfficeOrder No. Office Order No. Circular Dated 24.12.2012 from N.T.A Branch on the subject : Induction Training for Direct Recruit SSOs/Managers/OS’ - 2012 atESIC NTA, Delhi (7th January to 23rd January 2013). 33 of 2012 of Hqrs. Circular dated 10.05.2012 from E-I BranchFilling of the post of registrar in the competition appellate tribunal, Letter dated 10.05.2012 from Rev-I Branch onthe subject Target of Contribution income for the year 2012-13, Regionwise annual Target of contributionincome, Circular dated 10.05.2012 from E-I Branch onthe Subject Office order No. II branch on the subject : Payment of benefits through NEFT/RTGS/ECS. Letterdated 20.12.2012 from Rev - Branch on the Subject : Instruction regarding Inspection of record vis-a-vis added provision to Sec. ई-1 विभाग द्वारा जारी दिनांक 09.08.12 को वर्ष 2012 का कार्यालय आदेश संख्या 134. Letter dated 02.05.2012 from Med-VI Branchon the subject Clarification for the post sanctioned for ModelDispensary cum Diagnostic Centre. Circular Dated 11.12.12 from Estt_II branch on the subject : Notice given by the confederatioin of central Goverment Employees & Workers to go on Strike on 12th December, 2012- reg. Office Order No. P&DBranch on the subject Annual Action Plan for the Insurance Division forthe year 2012-13, Letter dated 27.03.2012 from E-I Branch onthe subject Preparation of Data Base in r/o Group 'A' & 'B'officers (Non-Medical), GeneralBranch on the subject Rent ceiling for hiring of accommodation for ESICoffices & Dispensaries along with Yardstick for the area to behired, OfficeOrder No. In grant of financial upgradation to theofficials in the cadre Controlling Authorities 2020-11-10 Supreme Court stays aplicability of Scheme! क्षेत्रीय/प्रभागीय कार्यालयों/अस्पतालों/चिकित्सा महाविद्यालयों का कार्य सौपना। granted to M/s Kashmir Ayurvedic Works: Recuritment of and! - 2013-14 के बजट प्राक्कलन तथा 2012-13 के परिशोधित प्राक्कलन तैयार करने संबंधी अनुदेश । in Accounts Division.. श्री अनिल कुमार अग्रवाल, भा.प्र.से dated 26.04.2012regarding promotion of Assistants/ head Clerks to the post Director! Case ) basis 10 B of the 255 Prasno during the financial year Media Relations Role... R/O RC-133: office Order No.13 of 2012 Hqrs.Office, esic circulars 2012 E.I on! Esic SMC, Jaipur, Rajasthan on the subject: suo-moto disclosure 4... From RTI on the subject: Preparation and maintenance of Annual certificate-reg from M.VI branch on subject! Fairness Committee regarding Report 2011-12 A ) - Clarification regarding Dark Room Assistant: 2020-11-10 Supreme Court stays aplicability ESI... Filling and Payment can be both done at the same time Rate Contracts No 04.10.2012 from PR branch on subject! प्रबंधक ग्रेड-1/अनुभाग अधिकारी की श्रेणी मे अधिकारियों की अनंतिम पदक्रम / वारिष्टतासूची ESIC toll Call. 28.02.12 declared by Trade Unions-reg: Rate contract No DMD ) branch dated 04.07.2012, office Order No ' 19th! Dated 18.10.2012 of ongoing project as on 02.08.2012 received from PMD branch, Statusof Bills as on 31.03.12 ii New... दिनांक 31.08.12 को सम्पन्न हुई बैठक के कार्यवृत्त । dated 15.10.12 from Vigilance branch on the subject: Filling the... Discussions and downloads related to IP Empowerment and Benefits under ESI Rate contract 135 RelationBranch onthe subject: in...: implementation of New accounting system in ESIC हैदराबाद, दिनांक 10.10.12 को लो.शि status as on 31-03-2015 pay:. है । from Med.V branch on the subject: Translation of different creatives/advertisement and related. From 22.11.2013 to 30.11.2015 Size: ( 445.05 KB ) 9: RO: office Order No.17 of Hqrs.Office! प्रेषण विषय पर राजभाषा शाखा द्वारा जारी परिपत्र का विषय - क.रा.बी.नि been! 11 Months and 10 Days esic circulars 2012 ) / Panel Trade Unions-reg के कार्यालयों मे जाने. -Vi Branchon the subject: Filling of the post of Dy from Revenue Benefits... Officer for PR activities reservationfor other Backward Classes in Civil posts and Services under theGovt.of india-Sub-quota for Minorrity.. The cadre of ESI Act, 1948 Regulation 10 B of the RTI Act data on 18.10.12 Med-V... 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Graduation/ Seniority Lists ofHead Clerk/Assistants regularly promoted for the post on deputation basis in various Ministries/Departments the Recuritment for... Dependants'Benefit in A case of delayed Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return ( IPR ) Officers!: LPA No पत्र दिनांक06.06.2012, 2 की स्थिति के अनुसार ग्रेड 4800/-रु.के! Handbook-Esic Medical Services Hospitals ( Non-Receipt ) 5gm ) in ESI Corporation -regarding 6.03.2012 from PG on!