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Wondering how to WoW a community event?

Wondering how to WoW a community event?

Our Wheel-of-Well-being Event Toolkit is all you need to run an exciting and innovative well-being event in your local community. It contains a collection of creative resources including:

  • well-being passports
  • WoW badges
  • WoW postcards
  • W0W posters
  • bunting and t-shirts
  • on-line templates for printing posters and leaflets
  • instructions on how to run an event promoting well-being
  • suppliers and printing costs


SLaM and uscreates worked with Well London to design and develop the tool-kit when Well London was starting its second phase in 2012. Groups from each Well London borough attended an induction day that included an introduction to well-being, information on how to facilitate the DIY happiness game and a set of resources to take away.

If you’d like help planning an event or you want to attend a workshop to learn how to WoW an event, just Get In Touch.


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