Home Status message Locating you... Make sure you don't waste water by putting full loads of washing in the washing machine and not washing above 30 degrees Back to tips What is your tip? Keep it short and sweet.: Make sure you don't waste water by putting full loads of washing in the washing machine and not washing above 30 degrees Tip posted by Libby, from London Bridge Planet More Tips More Places More Activities The number of people who saved this: 6Rating: 0 Tweet Widget Share on Facebook Google Plus One
Home Status message Locating you... Make sure you don't waste water by putting full loads of washing in the washing machine and not washing above 30 degrees Back to tips What is your tip? Keep it short and sweet.: Make sure you don't waste water by putting full loads of washing in the washing machine and not washing above 30 degrees Tip posted by Libby, from London Bridge Planet More Tips More Places More Activities The number of people who saved this: 6Rating: 0 Tweet Widget Share on Facebook Google Plus One