Home Status message Locating you... Write a poem and enter a competition Back to tips What is your tip? Keep it short and sweet.: Write a poem and even enter a poetry competition! Tip by Liv Website: http://www.poetrysociety.org.uk/content/homepage/Tip posted by Olive, from London Mind More Tips More Places More Activities The number of people who saved this: 2Rating: 0 Tweet Widget Share on Facebook Google Plus One
Home Status message Locating you... Write a poem and enter a competition Back to tips What is your tip? Keep it short and sweet.: Write a poem and even enter a poetry competition! Tip by Liv Website: http://www.poetrysociety.org.uk/content/homepage/Tip posted by Olive, from London Mind More Tips More Places More Activities The number of people who saved this: 2Rating: 0 Tweet Widget Share on Facebook Google Plus One