WoW Yourself
The WoW Yourself section is about ‘doing it yourself’. It’s full of practical things you can do to improve your well-being – tips to test, activities to try and places to visit.
Learn all the items your borough will recycle - you may be surprised! Tip by Caro, London |
Spend time looking at your environment, being aware of your surroundings. Appreciate the earth Tip by Anneka, Lewisham |
Look after animals Tip by Christian, London |
Raise chickens - fresh eggs Recycle Grow fruit and veg Help remove battery farms Anon |
Check out 'The Story of Stuff' and start changing the world! Tip by Sherry, St Leonards on Sea |
Take tupperware to the supermarket, remove all packaging from your shopping and leave it in the supermarket |
Start changing your surroundings to change the world - be the change we want to see Tip by Sinem |
Try creating a compost heap |
Re-using most of our stuff, will be a big saving for our pockets. Tip by Patricia. |
Mow your lawn long and often. It requires less water and is greener for longer Roxanne (Townsville) |
Repair; recycle; re-use as much as you can. Do NOT go shopping Neetu / Redbridge |
Grow your own fruit and veg. Its fun, keeps you active & healthy, saves the planet and helps you learn. Why not do it with your family or friends too? |
Try not to get too drawn in by the supermarket offers. Just buy as and when you need items. |